Structural Engineers Specific Inspection Report, Kew, Middlesex

Reason for contacting us

A prospective buyer commissioned an RICS survey which noted cracking to the front elevation inside and out including to the neighbouring property in Kew, Middlesex.

SERL Pole Structural Engineers Reports were contacted by the buyer who was seeking a reputable, independent, and highly experienced structural engineering firm practising in the Kew and West London area.

SERL Pole service offer

In response to the client’s requirements our qualified Chartered Structural Engineer recommended a Specific Structural Inspection Report.

There are two distinct types of structural engineers reports:

1) A localised, very specific and limited Structural Engineers Specific Structural Inspection Report (SSI).

2) A broader Structural Engineers General Movement Report, or General Structural Inspection Report (GSI), which focuses on matters of cracking and movement only.

We offered our localised Specific Inspection Report on this occasion as the Surveyor and buyer were not concerned about the rest of the property.

Specific-Inspection-Report,-kew,-middlesexOur report

The property was a small Artisan two bed terraced cottage built in circa 1850. The local geology is alluvium due to the proximity to the river Thames, ie soft silts and sands over London Clay.


We found minor cracking internally but mainly lose plaster, therefore nothing to be concerned about. Externally there was some repointing and a very small crack to the neighbouring property.


We concluded the cracking was very minor although probably recent so we recommended the drains be tested and repaired if they were found to leak. These repairs should be less than £1,000.

We explained to the buyer that all period buildings “move” and crack a little from time to time but cracks of a few millimetres are not serious and do not undermine the structural integrity of a house. And simple repairs from time to time is all that is required.

Can we help you?

If you would like advice on any structural aspects of your property, our structural engineers’ are here to help you so please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Call us now on 020 8161 9900