Linkedin Quiz Question 3 Monday 4th November 2023

The question posed Why do we all find much more movement and cracking specifically within the rear addition/projection compared to the front elevation, when considering mid terraced Victorian houses in London. Any discrepancy between the amount of trees to front…

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Structural Engineers Specific Inspection Report, Kew, Middlesex

Reason for contacting us A prospective buyer commissioned an RICS survey which noted cracking to the front elevation inside and out including to the neighbouring property in Kew, Middlesex. SERL Pole Structural Engineers Reports were contacted by the buyer who…

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Do I need a surveyor or a structural engineer?

The process of selecting the appropriate property professional is confusing to both the public and many lenders and insurers. Unlike the term ‘Architect’ which is protected in law, the terms ‘Surveyor’ and ‘Engineer’ are not and can, unfortunately, be used…

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Different Structural Engineers’ Reports and which type do you need?

Structural Engineers’ Reports inspect the structural condition of a property. At Pole Structural Engineers, we offer two types of structural reports to meet the different needs of our clients, lenders, and general surveyors. A Structural Engineer’s report is more specialised…

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Structural Surveys and Structural Engineers Reports: what’s the difference?

There is understandable confusion between the terms Structural Engineers Reports and Structural Surveys for several reasons. These include: RICS general surveys used to be called structural surveys. The industry term ‘survey’ is too broad without clarification. Lack of public knowledge…

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