Different Structural Engineers’ Reports and which type do you need?

Structural Engineers’ Reports inspect the structural condition of a property. At Pole Structural Engineers, we offer two types of structural reports to meet the different needs of our clients, lenders, and general surveyors.

A Structural Engineer’s report is more specialised than a surveyor’s report. We often use the medical analogy of the surveyor being like a GP doctor and the Structural Engineer being the consultant. Their specialist knowledge goes beyond the general knowledge of a building surveyor.

Different Structural Engineers’ ReportsMost structural engineering reports are commissioned when there are worries about cracking or movement in a building. Property owners, buyers, and surveyors will be concerned that the cracks indicate a structural problem, such as damage to the foundations. Cracks are often superficial and easily fixed, but wider cracks can be a sign that something serious is happening and should be inspected by a professional, fully qualified Structural Engineer.

Most of our reports are for clients buying property but we are also instructed by discerning homeowners who wish to obtain a report before putting their property on the market, or simply want peace of mind.

In most instances, we can offer reassurance, provide typical repair costs, and assess the future risks of any similar movement recurring. If matters are more severe, we will say so and, if you are a buyer, help you decide how to proceed, if at all.

We are unusual in offering two types of structural reports. Our clients can choose between having a general inspection or a more localised investigation if they are concerned about a specific area, but the rest of the property is generally sound.

Why does Pole offer two different types of structural reports?

The first type of structural report we offer is a GENERAL MOVEMENT REPORT. This is a comprehensive inspection to judge the overall structural soundness and condition of the building. Fees start at £1500+vat for apartments and houses less than 3,000sq ft or £3m in value.

The second type of structural report we offer is a DEFECT INSPECTION REPORT. This is for assessing a specific issue only, and therefore costs less than a more extensive General Movement Report. While other firms don’t make this distinction, we believe you should not have to pay unnecessarily for a full report when it is not required. Fees for a DEFECT INSPECTION REPORT start at £1,000 + vat.

All our reports are carried out by a fully qualified, professional Chartered Structural Engineer C Eng MIStructE, a status required by institutional lenders and insurance companies.

Always ensure that the individual engineer assigned to carry out your inspection holds this professional qualification. A person with only a degree such as BSC is not a qualified structural engineer. See FAQ 2.